Soka Gakkai at Parliament of World’s Religions

On October 17, the Soka Gakkai hosted a dialogue session titled “Buddhism, Black Liberation, and Racial Justice” during the 2021 Parliament of the World’s Religions, held online from October 16 to 18. Dr. Kamilah Majied, professor at California State University, and Dr. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, professor at Stanford University, discussed how compassion and the wisdom of interdependence as described in Buddhist teachings can help overcome racial discrimination. On the same day, Hiro Sakurai, director of the SGI Office for UN Affairs, was a panelist at the seminar organized by the Climate Working Group of the Committee of the Religious NGOs (CRNGO) at the UN that presented on the activities of the Working Group. The seminar focused on the role religious organizations can and have played in the annual Global Climate Negotiations. For the duration of the Parliament, an online booth provided information on the Soka Gakkai’s public education resources, including exhibitions.