Lecture on Nuclear Disarmament by Former IAEA Official at Soka Gakkai Headquarters

Japan 2024
A man speaking in front of an audience in a conference room.
Tariq Rauf (center), former head of the Verification and Security Policy Coordination Office at IAEA, delivering his lecture [© Seikyo Shimbun]

On February 14, Tariq Rauf, former head of the Verification and Security Policy Coordination Office at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), gave a lecture at the Josei Toda International Center in Tokyo, Japan. He said that the current nuclear arms control regime, built up over half a century, has been shaken and the vision of pursuing a nuclear-free world is receding. He urged civil society, especially youth, to pursue nuclear disarmament despite the challenges. Mr. Rauf also commended the Soka Gakkai for its grassroots efforts toward nuclear abolition and its contributions to the realization of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).