Soka Amazon Institute Supports Drought-Affected Communities near Manaus

Brazil 2024
A group of men carrying relief supplies from a boat and walking inland.
Volunteer members carry relief supplies

On October 12, in response to Brazil’s severe drought, the Soka Amazon Institute, Brazil SGI and several companies based in Manaus took part in a relief activity under the banner “Águas de Ajuri.” To mark Children’s Day, volunteers distributed gifts of food, water filters that can filter river water and toys to the drought-affected river communities of Catalão, Paraná do Xiborena and São José, all located in the region where the Negro and Solimões rivers meet. Ajuri means “joining forces” in the local indigenous language. Luciano Nascimento, director of the Institute, expressed his hope that the effects of the climate crisis in the region can be addressed through collaborative efforts based on dialogue.